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尊長前,聲要低,低不聞,卻非宜。 凡人弟子,須是常低聲下氣,語言詳緩。
諸比丘諦聽, 佛子所行道, 善學方便故, 不可得思議。
知眾樂小法、 而畏於大智, 是故諸菩薩, 作聲聞緣覺,
以無數方便、 化諸眾生類。 自說是聲聞, 去佛道甚遠,
度脫無量眾, 皆悉得成就, 雖小欲懈怠, 漸當令作佛。
內秘菩薩行, 外現是聲聞, 少欲厭生死, 實自淨佛土。
示眾有三毒, 又現邪見相, 我弟子如是, 方便度眾生。
若我具足說、 種種現化事, 眾生聞是者, 心則懷疑惑。
今此富樓那, 於昔千億佛、 勤修所行道, 宣護諸佛法。
為求無上慧, 而於諸佛所, 現居弟子上。 多聞有智慧,
所說無所畏, 能令眾歡喜, 未曾有疲倦, 而以助佛事。
已度大神通, 具四無礙智, 知諸根利鈍, 常說清淨法,
演暢如是義, 教諸千億眾, 令住大乘法, 而自淨佛土。
未來亦供養、 無量無數佛, 護助宣正法, 亦自淨佛土。
常以諸方便, 說法無所畏, 度不可計眾、 成就一切智。
供養諸如來, 護持法寶藏, 其後得成佛, 號名曰法明。
其國名善淨, 七寶所合成, 劫名為寶明。 菩薩眾甚多,
其數無量億, 皆度大神通, 威德力具足, 充滿其國土。
聲聞亦無數, 三明八解脫, 得四無礙智, 以是等為僧。
其國諸眾生, 淫欲皆已斷, 純一變化生, 具相莊嚴身。
法喜禪悅食, 更無餘食想。 無有諸女人, 亦無諸惡道。
富樓那比丘, 功德悉成滿, 當得斯淨土, 賢聖眾甚多。
如是無量事, 我今但略說。
憍陳如比丘, 當見無量佛, 過阿僧祇劫, 乃成等正覺。
常放大光明, 具足諸神通, 名聞遍十方, 一切之所敬,
常說無上道, 故號為普明。 其國土清淨, 菩薩皆勇猛,
咸升妙樓閣, 遊諸十方國, 以無上供具、 奉獻於諸佛。
作是供養已, 心懷大歡喜, 須臾還本國, 有如是神力。
佛壽六萬劫, 正法住倍壽, 像法復倍是, 法滅天人憂。
其五百比丘, 次第當作佛, 同號曰普明, 轉次而授記。
我滅度之後, 某甲當作佛, 其所化世間, 亦如我今日。
國土之嚴淨, 及諸神通力, 菩薩聲聞眾, 正法及像法,
壽命劫多少, 皆如上所說。 迦葉汝已知, 五百自在者,
餘諸聲聞眾, 亦當復如是。 其不在此會, 汝當為宣說。
我等聞無上、 安隱授記聲, 歡喜未曾有, 禮無量智佛。
今於世尊前、 自悔諸過咎, 於無量佛寶, 得少涅槃分,
如無智愚人, 便自以為足。 譬如貧窮人、 往至親友家,
其家甚大富, 具設諸肴膳。 以無價寶珠、 繫著內衣裏,
默與而捨去, 時臥不覺知。 是人既已起, 遊行詣他國,
求衣食自濟, 資生甚艱難, 得少便為足, 更不願好者。
不覺內衣裏、 有無價寶珠。 與珠之親友, 後見此貧人,
苦切責之已, 示以所繫珠。 貧人見此珠, 其心大歡喜,
富有諸財物, 五欲而自恣。 我等亦如是, 世尊於長夜,
常愍見教化, 令種無上願。 我等無智故, 不覺亦不知,
得少涅槃分, 自足不求餘。 今佛覺悟我, 言非實滅度,
得佛無上慧, 爾乃為真滅。 我今從佛聞 授記莊嚴事,
及轉次受決, 身心遍歡喜。
Phiala Shanahan receives Kenneth G. Wilson Award for work in lattice field theory
Recognition honors research into nuclear structure and reactions.
Sandi Miller | Department of Physics
Publication Date:
November 18, 2020
Press Inquiries
Portrait photo of Phiala Shanahan
Class of 1957 Career Development Assistant Professor of Physics Phiala Shanahan will receive the 2020 Kenneth G. Wilson Award for Excellence in Lattice Field Theory.
Photo courtesy of Phiala Shanahan.
Class of 1957 Career Development Assistant Professor of Physics Phiala Shanahan will receive the 2020 Kenneth G. Wilson Award for Excellence in Lattice Field Theory.
The award, given by the international lattice field theory community, recognizes her research of hadrons and nuclei using the tools of lattice Quantum Chromodynamics, or lattice QCD, and her pioneering application of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to lattice field theory.
Shanahan’s research interests are focused around theoretical nuclear and particle physics, specifically regarding the structure and interactions of hadrons and nuclei from the fundamental (quark and gluon) degrees of freedom encoded in the Standard Model of particle physics.
In recent work she has used supercomputers to reveal the role of gluons, the force carriers of the strong interactions described by QCD, in hadron and nuclear structure. She and her group recently also achieved the first calculation of the gluon structure of light nuclei, making predictions that will be testable in new experiments proposed at Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and at the planned Electron-Ion Collider.
“To be recognized by those closest to my work on a technical level is an incredible honor,” says Shanahan, who is also a researcher in the Center for Theoretical Physics within the Laboratory for Nuclear Science. “The award reflects not only my work, but the efforts of my awesome students and postdocs, as well as my wonderful colleagues in the Center for Theoretical Physics who create such a vibrant and positive community to work in.”
This year's award ceremony will be part of the Nov. 12 virtual Bethe colloquium series, where Shanahan will receive a certificate citing her contributions, a modest monetary award, and the opportunity to present her cited work.
Shanahan’s work to understand the structure of matter from first principles also aims to enrich nuclear physics experimental programs seeking to constrain physics beyond the current Standard Model, such as dark matter. The group’s research into nuclear structure and reactions “are at the cusp of entering the beginning of a precision era of understanding how nuclei emerge from particle physics,” says Shanahan. “It is just so exciting to begin to bridge that gap.”
For the third area of her cited research, machine learning, she says, “We are working hard to reinvent how numerical lattice field theory calculations are done with new algorithms to enable studies that are computationally intractable right now. When Aurora, which will be the new largest supercomputer in the world, comes online in the next couple of years, we plan to be ready to exploit it in a new way.”
Shanahan obtained her BS in 2012 and her PhD in 2015 from Australia’s University of Adelaide. After graduation she began at MIT as a postdoc, then held a joint position as assistant professor at the College of William & Mary and senior staff scientist at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility until she came back to MIT in 2018. Shanahan is the recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER award as well as a U.S. Department of Energy Early Career Award, was named as an Emmy Noether fellow in 2018, and was listed in the Forbes Magazine 30 under 30 in Science in 2017 and as one of Science News’ 10 Scientists to Watch in 2020.
Since its inception in 2011, the annual Kenneth G. Wilson Award for Excellence in Lattice Field Theory has recognized physicists who have made recent, outstanding contributions to lattice field theory. The award is named after Nobel laureate Kenneth Wilson (1936–2013), who in 1974 founded lattice gauge theory, permitting such theories to be studied numerically using powerful computers.
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Guenette Awarded a 2020 Synergy Grant by European Research Council
Prof. Roxanne Guenette, with colleagues Juan José Gómez Cádenas (Donostia International Physics Center) and Fernando P. Cossío (the University of the Basque Country), have been awarded a 2020 Synergy Grant by European Research Council (ERC) for their proposal of a background-free experiment to discover the nature of neutrinos based on single Barium Atom Light Detection.
The grants, €350 million in total, are intended to support scientific projects that address some of the world’s most formidable research problems spanning multiple scientific disciplines. Out of more than 440 submitted proposals, 34 were selected, making this year's application process one of the most competitive in ERC history. These proposals involve 116 researchers who will carry out their projects at 86 universities and research centers in 22 countries across Europe and beyond.
The ERC Synergy Grant scheme is part of the EU's research and innovation program, Horizon 2020, which helps groups of two to four outstanding researchers bring together complementary skills, knowledge and resources in one ambitious project.
The European Research Council, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premiere European funding organization for excellent frontier research. Every year, it selects and funds the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based in Europe. The ERC offers four core grant schemes: Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy Grants. With its additional Proof of Concept grant scheme, the ERC helps grantees to bridge the gap between their pioneering research and early phases of its commercialization.
NEXT White detector
Above: NEXT-White, a high pressure Xenon gas detector [©Javier Larrea]
Video from Daniel Gruen & Kimmy Wu - “Frontiers in Optical and CMB Survey Cosmology”
Event Recap
Stanford University
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
4:30 p.m. via Zoom
Email dmoreau@stanford.edu for password.
Daniel Gruen & Kimmy Wu
“Frontiers in Optical and CMB Survey Cosmology”
Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the galaxy-filled sky provide images of the universe at its various stages that are sensitive to its physics from the earliest moments to recent times. These observations are key to expanding our understanding to the physics of inflation, neutrinos, dark matter, and dark energy—some of the most mysterious terrains in physics today. We will present results from current CMB and optical surveys—the South Pole Telescope & BICEP/Keck Array and the optical Dark Energy Survey, respectively—whose unprecedented sensitivities enable us to stringently test the standard cosmological model and constrain new physics. We will discuss their current limitations due to calibration uncertainty and confounding astrophysical effects. To conclude, we will look forward to the bright future of optical, CMB, and joint cosmological experiments that will be performed by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time and the CMB-S4 experiment.
November 17, 2020 - 4:30pm